Dragon Run Special Area Management Plan

Advisory Group – Traditional Uses/Habitat Work Group

April 23, 2002



- Topics -

1.      Welcome and Introductions


2.      Priority Areas/Goals Discussion


3.      Rank and Prioritize Goals


4.      What’s next?


5.      Adjourn






Neal Barber (VA Economic Development Partnership, Middle Peninsula Land Trust); David Birdsall (Resource Management Service, Inc.); Robert Major, Dorothy Miller (Dragon Run Steering Committee); Pat Tyrrell (Tidewater Resource Conservation and Development); Rebecca Wilson (VA Division of Natural Heritage); David Milby (VA Dept. of Forestry); Andy Lacatell (The Nature Conservancy); Davis Wilson (Landowner, Middlesex); David Fuss (Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission)




David Fuss welcomed everyone and began introductions. David explained the handout – a map of the Conservation Sites identified by the VA Division of Natural Heritage.


Priority Areas Discussion


David presented the following priority areas that were distilled from the March 19 meeting:


Discussion focused on the priority areas and considerable attention was paid to wording and defining concepts. Discussions touched on: Bay Act enforcement; pressures on farming and forestry; fear of fragmentation due to subdivision of parcels (studied parcel maps); implementation of BMP’s; data collection; ecological integrity of the watershed; aesthetic quality of the watershed; wariness of land use restrictions vs. unacceptable land use changes; and property rights and fears/concerns of landowners




The following goals were agreed upon by the group:


The group decided not to attempt the prioritize the goals at this point, but to present all of them to the entire Advisory Group and consider prioritizing the goals at that time.




The next meeting will be with the entire Advisory Group on May 8, 2002 at 7:30 PM at the MPPDC offices in Saluda.