Dragon Run Steering Committee

Special Area Management Plan Planning Forum

January 9, 2002



- Topics -

1.      Welcome


Steering Committee

2.      Special Area Management Plan (SAMP) project director

Dave Fuss


3.      Introductions

Forum Participants


4.      Visions for the Dragon Run Watershed

Forum Participants


5.      Issues from 1st Planning Forum

Forum Participants


6.      New Issues

Forum Participants


7.      Invitation to Participate in SAMP Advisory Group

Dave Fuss


8.      Next Meeting – February 13, 2002?

Dave Fuss




Vice-chairwoman Dorothy Miller welcomed all participants to the Special Area Management Plan Planning Forum on January 9, 2002 at the Middle Peninsula Planning District Offices in Saluda, Virginia. Attendees included: David Birdsall, Mike Anderberg, John Munger, Patricia Tyrrell, Marv Hohenberger, David Clements, Davis Rhodes, Cathy Wilson, Robert Major, Elvin Miller, Neal Barber, Anne Ducey-Ortiz, Willy Reay, Andy Lacatell, Rebecca Wilson, Garrie Rouse, Jerry Horner, and David Fuss.


Special Area Management Plan (SAMP) project director


David Fuss introduced himself to the group and explained the reasoning for the planning forum and its sponsorship by the Dragon Run Steering Committee. Dragon Run Special Area Management Plan (SAMP) Fact Sheets were distributed to explain the concept of the SAMP planning process.




Participants were given an opportunity to introduce themselves and to share visions for the watershed and issues of concern.


Issues from the First Planning Forum


A list of issues from the planning forum on December 12, 2001 was displayed and used as a guide for discussion. David Fuss reviewed this list and opened the floor for discussion. A summary of issues discussed follows:


Habitat/Wildlife Management

Farming and Forestry




New Issues


During the open discussion, new issues were discussed. A summary of those viewpoints follows:


Education and Public Access

Local Government and Policy

Habitat Management


Invitation to Participate in SAMP Advisory Group


David Fuss explained the next steps for the SAMP process and invited participants to express their interest in participating in an advisory role. Mr. Neal Barber suggested that the hierarchical approach (Advisory Group to Dragon Run Steering Committee to Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission) could limit the ability of organizations to achieve early successes and complete early action plans. Ms. Anne Ducey-Ortiz suggested the formation of sub-groups to address specific issues and that these sub-groups could identify early action plans to be pursued while the hierarchical approach operates simultaneously.




David Fuss agreed to consider all of the ideas and form an Advisory Group and sub-groups. He indicated that he would contact interested parties to inform them of future meetings. The meeting was adjourned.